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Optimising PySpark - Why it Matters: Partitioning, Sorting, and Type Casting Parquet Files

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    Emil Moe


When working with large datasets, efficiency isn't just a nice-to-have—it's essential. PySpark provides a powerful toolkit for managing and processing big data, and among its most effective strategies are partitioning, sorting, and type casting when working with Parquet files. In this guide, we’ll break down how these techniques can significantly boost the performance of your data processing tasks.

Table of Contents

Parquet Columnar Storage

Before we dive into the specifics of partitioning and sorting, let’s take a moment to understand what Parquet is and why it’s so valuable in data processing.

Parquet is a columnar storage format designed for the efficient storage and retrieval of data. Unlike row-based formats like CSV, where data is stored row by row, Parquet organizes data by columns. This approach offers significant advantages when dealing with large datasets, particularly in terms of compression and query performance.

Example: Row-Based vs. Columnar Storage

Consider an e-commerce dataset:


In a row-based storage system, all data for a record is stored together, like this:

1, electronics, 300.00, 2023-08-20
2, clothing, 50.00, 2023-08-20
3, electronics, 150.00, 2023-08-21
4, furniture, 700.00, 2023-08-22
5, electronics, 400.00, 2023-08-23

In contrast, columnar storage like Parquet organizes data by column:

user_id: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
product_category: electronics, clothing, electronics, furniture, electronics
purchase_amount: 300.00, 50.00, 150.00, 700.00, 400.00
purchase_date: 2023-08-20, 2023-08-20, 2023-08-21, 2023-08-22, 2023-08-23

With columnar storage, if you’re only interested in purchase_amount, you can quickly access that column without having to read through the entire dataset.

Advantages of Columnar Storage (Parquet) vs. Row-Based Storage

Parquet's columnar storage format excels in scenarios where aggregation operations like SUM, AVG, or COUNT are needed, as it allows you to read only the necessary columns without scanning the entire dataset. This reduces I/O operations and improves performance, especially with large datasets, by better utilizing cache and compression.

Columnar storage is also ideal when frequently querying specific columns or loading specific data into memory, such as in machine learning tasks, as it saves memory and processing time by avoiding unnecessary data loading.

In contrast, row-based storage formats like CSV are better suited for operations that involve manipulating entire records, such as inserts, updates, or deletes. Since all data for a record is stored together, these operations are simpler and faster. Row-based storage is also more practical for workloads that frequently require full row access, such as transaction processing systems, where entire records are often read or modified.

The choice between columnar and row-based storage ultimately depends on the nature of the data processing tasks and the specific requirements of the use case.

Partitioning Matters

Partitioning is a technique that involves dividing your data into distinct segments, or partitions, based on the values of one or more columns. This is crucial in reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned during queries, leading to faster processing times and more efficient resource use.

When to Partition

Partitioning is most beneficial in the following scenarios:

  1. Large Datasets: Partitioning is ideal for large datasets where queries frequently filter by specific columns, such as date, product_category, or region. For example, in an e-commerce dataset, partitioning by product_category enables queries focused on specific categories to scan only the relevant partitions, improving query performance.
  2. Time Series Data: For time-based datasets (e.g., logs or sales records), partitioning by time ranges (like days or months) allows queries targeting specific periods to avoid scanning the entire dataset.
  3. Frequent Filtering on Partitioning Columns: If you often query a dataset based on certain columns, partitioning by these columns can significantly reduce the amount of data scanned. For instance, partitioning sales data by region is beneficial if many queries filter data by geographical region.

When Not to Partition

While partitioning can improve performance, there are situations where it may not be beneficial:

  1. Small Datasets: Partitioning small datasets is unnecessary and can even reduce performance due to the overhead of managing partitions. If your data is small enough to be queried efficiently without partitioning, it’s best to avoid it.
  2. Too Many Partitions: Creating an excessive number of partitions, especially for high-cardinality columns (e.g., customer IDs), can degrade performance. Managing and querying many small partitions increases system overhead and leads to inefficient processing.
  3. Frequent Updates Across Partitions: If your data undergoes frequent updates across different partitions, maintaining partitions can become costly. Partition maintenance and rebalancing may introduce performance bottlenecks.

Optimal Partition Size

Finding the optimal partition size is critical to ensuring that partitioning helps rather than hinders performance. Generally, partitions should be large enough to minimize overhead but not so large that they undermine the benefits of distributed processing.

Balance Between Partition Count and Size

Too large a partition results in scanning more data than necessary, while too small a partition leads to an overwhelming number of partitions, causing high management overhead. A good rule of thumb is to aim for partitions that are hundreds of megabytes or a few gigabytes in size.

Query Patterns

Analyze query patterns to determine how your data is most often filtered. For instance, partitioning by date makes sense if most queries are time-based, whereas partitioning by region or category may be optimal if those filters are used frequently.

HDFS-Specific Considerations:

In an HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) environment, partition sizes should align with the HDFS block size, which is typically 128 MB or 256 MB, though it can be configured differently depending on the cluster. To maximize performance and avoid issues like the "small file problem," it’s important to consider HDFS-specific factors when determining partition size.

  • Optimal Partition Size in HDFS: For HDFS, partition sizes between 256 MB and 1 GB work well. This range ensures that each partition is large enough to make efficient use of HDFS blocks but not so large that it limits parallelism in distributed processing frameworks like MapReduce or Spark.
  • Avoiding Small Files: In HDFS, small partitions can lead to the "small file problem," where the HDFS NameNode is burdened with managing many small files, reducing efficiency. Therefore, partitions should be large enough to fit the HDFS blocks and reduce the number of small files created.
  • Distributed Processing Considerations: Larger partitions allow distributed systems like Hadoop or Spark to process larger chunks of data in parallel, which reduces task scheduling overhead and optimizes resource usage. However, partitions should not be so large that they overwhelm memory or cause excessively long task durations.

Example: Partitioning by Product Category

Suppose you have a large e-commerce dataset, and you want to optimize it for quick queries on specific product categories. By partitioning the data by product_category, you can limit queries to just the relevant partitions, drastically reducing the data scanned.

Here’s how you can partition data in PySpark:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType, StringType, FloatType, DateType
import datetime

# Create a Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("OptimizeParquet").getOrCreate()

# Sample data
data = [
    (1, "electronics", 300.00,, 8, 20)),
    (2, "clothing", 50.00,, 8, 20)),
    (3, "electronics", 150.00,, 8, 21)),
    (4, "furniture", 700.00,, 8, 22)),
    (5, "electronics", 400.00,, 8, 23)),
    (6, "clothing", 60.00,, 8, 24)),

# Create DataFrame with correct data types
columns = ["user_id", "product_category", "purchase_amount", "purchase_date"]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns) \
    .withColumn("user_id", df["user_id"].cast(IntegerType())) \
    .withColumn("product_category", df["product_category"].cast(StringType())) \
    .withColumn("purchase_amount", df["purchase_amount"].cast(FloatType())) \
    .withColumn("purchase_date", df["purchase_date"].cast(DateType()))

# Partition the data by 'product_category'
output_path = "/path/to/output/directory"

Sorting for Better Compression and Performance

Sorting your data within partitions can lead to better compression and faster query performance. When data is sorted by a specific column, it is stored in a more organized manner, which often compresses more efficiently and accelerates operations, particularly range queries or operations that rely on sequential access patterns. However, sorting is not always beneficial for all scenarios, and understanding when to sort and when not to sort is crucial for optimizing performance.

When Sorting Can Boost Your Performance

Range Queries

Sorting your data can be incredibly beneficial, especially when you're dealing with range queries or datasets that follow a predictable sequence, such as timestamps or ordered IDs. If your queries typically retrieve data within a specific range—say, records between two dates—sorting the data on a relevant column can significantly speed up performance.

When your data is stored in a sorted manner, the system can locate relevant rows much faster because all the needed records are clustered together. For example, imagine querying sales data to find transactions that happened in the last quarter. If the data is already sorted by date, the database engine can directly scan the relevant portion, skipping everything else.


Another major advantage of sorting is the impact on compression. Compression algorithms thrive on predictability and repetition. Sorted data often exhibits repeating patterns or values, making it easier for compression techniques to reduce the size of your dataset. For example, sorting by customer ID or timestamp may reveal natural clusters of repeated values that compress more effectively. This can lower storage costs and make data retrieval faster, as less disk space is required to store the same amount of information.

Partition Pruning

Additionally, sorting helps with partition pruning. If your data is partitioned by a specific key (like date or region), and it’s also sorted by that key, the query engine can quickly identify which partitions to scan and which to skip altogether. This dramatically reduces the amount of data that needs to be read during a query, which can lead to faster response times.

Sorting can also complement indexing strategies. If your storage format or database engine supports index-based lookups (as in columnar formats like Parquet or ORC), sorted data can make these indexes even more efficient. The index knows exactly where to look, and since the data is already in order, those lookups become lightning fast.

When Sorting Might Be Overkill

Writing vs Reading

While sorting can bring substantial benefits, it’s not always the right choice. In some cases, sorting can add unnecessary complexity and overhead to your data management. One key consideration is how often your data is updated. Sorting adds extra processing time during inserts and updates because every new piece of data needs to be inserted in the correct order. If your system frequently ingests new data, maintaining a sorted order can become a bottleneck, leading to slower data writes.

For example, in real-time data ingestion scenarios—like logging events from a high-traffic website—sorting the data in real-time could dramatically slow down your system’s ability to keep up with incoming data. In such cases, the overhead of sorting may outweigh any potential performance gains during query execution.

Unstructed Data Selection

Another case where sorting might not provide much benefit is when your queries don’t rely on sequential access patterns. If your queries tend to select data based on random or non-sequential conditions (e.g., fetching rows based on a user’s email or a product category), sorting the data won’t offer any significant speed improvements. In fact, the effort of maintaining the sort order might just be wasted.

Repeating or Skewed Data

Sorting also has diminishing returns when applied to skewed data. If the column you're sorting by has a lot of repeating values or a heavily skewed distribution (e.g., most transactions happening on just a few days of the year), sorting may not lead to noticeable performance boosts. The natural clustering in the data might already be good enough for efficient compression, and further sorting could add complexity without adding much value.

Resource Overhead

Finally, there’s the question of resource overhead. Sorting large datasets can be resource-intensive, especially when you first load the data or need to perform major updates. For very large datasets, this can result in higher costs for computation and storage. If your queries aren’t consistently taking advantage of the sorted order, the effort to maintain it might not be worth the additional resource consumption.

Example: Sorting by Purchase Date

Let’s say you want to sort your dataset by purchase_date within each partition. This makes time-based queries faster and more efficient.

# Sort the DataFrame by 'purchase_date' before writing
df_sorted = df.orderBy("purchase_date")

# Write the sorted DataFrame to Parquet, partitioned by 'product_category'
sorted_output_path = "/path/to/sorted/output/directory"

Type Casting in Data Processing

Ensuring that your data columns have the correct types is crucial for both storage efficiency and query performance. Incorrect data types can lead to inefficient storage and slower queries.

Storage Efficiency

Data types directly affect how much storage space each record occupies. For example, storing numbers as strings consumes more space than using numeric types. By converting columns like customer IDs or transaction amounts from strings to integers or floats, you can reduce your dataset's storage footprint.

Additionally, using data types that fit the precision of your data—such as using 32-bit integers instead of 64-bit—can further optimize storage. This becomes especially important when dealing with large datasets where every byte counts.


Assume we have a column of customer IDs. If these IDs are stored as strings (e.g., "12345") versus integers (e.g., 12345), the difference in space usage is significant.

  • String Representation: Each character in a string typically requires 1 byte in most storage systems (assuming UTF-8 encoding). For a 5-digit customer ID stored as a string, like "12345", it would need 5 bytes to store the actual number, plus some additional overhead for metadata (e.g., to track the string’s length). Let's assume a total of 6 bytes per value.
  • Integer Representation: If the same customer ID is stored as an integer, a standard 32-bit integer (capable of storing values up to over 2 billion) uses 4 bytes for any value within that range.

So for a 5-digit number:

  • As a string: 6 bytes (5 for the characters and 1 for overhead).
  • As a 32-bit integer: 4 bytes

This may seem like a small difference, but in a large dataset with millions of records, the difference becomes substantial. For example:

  • 1 million records stored as strings would require roughly 6 MB.
  • The same 1 million records stored as integers would only need 4 MB.

This 2 MB difference might not seem significant for a small dataset, but at larger scales—like 10 billion records—the savings become 20 GB or more. This shows how type casting can directly improve storage efficiency, especially in massive datasets.

Query Performance

Queries run faster on correctly typed data. Numeric operations on integers or floats are quicker than those on strings, which require conversion at query time. For instance, summing a column of transaction amounts stored as strings requires converting each value to a number before calculating, slowing down the query.

Properly cast data types also speed up filtering and comparisons. Query engines process dates or numbers faster than strings, which results in better performance, especially for complex queries or large datasets.

Example: Enforcing Correct Data Types

In your e-commerce dataset, you need to ensure that user_id is stored as an integer, purchase_amount as a float, and so on. This will help in reducing storage size and speeding up operations.

# Enforcing correct data types during DataFrame creation
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns) \
    .withColumn("user_id", df["user_id"].cast(IntegerType())) \
    .withColumn("product_category", df["product_category"].cast(StringType())) \
    .withColumn("purchase_amount", df["purchase_amount"].cast(FloatType())) \
    .withColumn("purchase_date", df["purchase_date"].cast(DateType()))

# Show the DataFrame to verify data types


Partitioning, sorting, and type casting are not just theoretical optimizations—they have practical, measurable impacts on the performance and efficiency of your data processing workflows. By using PySpark to implement these strategies with Parquet files, you can handle large datasets more effectively, leading to faster queries, reduced storage costs, and overall better performance.

Whether you're managing e-commerce data, logs, or any other type of large-scale dataset, these techniques are invaluable tools that can help ensure your data infrastructure is both scalable and efficient.